Sunday June 10th, 2018
HK Gymnastics for All Festival 2018
We had 5 teams from Kidnetic participated in the “Gymnastics For All Festival 2018” on 3rd May, 2018 (Sun) in Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Wanchai. Team members include Coaches, Parents, our little Kids as young as aged 2 and their marvelous Grandparents! Once again thank you for supporting our teams:
- Kidnetic Kidsgym
- Kidnetic Monsters
- Kidnetic 老幼記組 (3-generation)
- Kidnetic 親子組 (Parent & Child)
- Kidnetic Synergym
Our 5 teams had a very good show and were awarded 4 Gold, 1 Silver and the “Judges Accredited Overall Champion” in Open Division! See you all again in 2019!